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CHAD/GPHDN 2023 Databook Presentation

CHAD presented a comprehensive overview of the 2023 Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas (CHAD) and Great Plains Health Data Network (GPHDN) Data Books. The CHAD team has prepared these books for member health centers and the GPHDN using the most current Uniform Data System (UDS) data. These publications were created for use within the CHAD and GPHDN networks and are not publicly shared.

This members-only presentation walked attendees through the contents and layout of the 2023 CHAD and GPHDN Data Books. Presenters provided an overview of the data and graphs demonstrating trends and comparisons in patient demographics, payor mixes, clinical measures, financial measures, provider productivity, and economic impact. The session wrapped up with a glance at individual health center data snapshots.

For more information and to receive a copy of the Databook presentation recording, contact Darci Bultje.

WEBINAR | July 25, 2024

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