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The Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas and the American Heart Association hosted a training series focused on evidence-based strategies and action steps for blood pressure control. Sessions focused on the MAP BP framework: Measure Accurately, Act Rapidly, and Partner with Patients. All three components of M, A, and P are essential to achieving improved blood pressure control, and together provide a systematic and phased approach to implement quality improvement in hypertension. This training included specific data reports and measures available within DRVS to support improvements in care delivery.

Session One: Getting Started with the MAP BP Framework: Measure Accurately
Tuesday, February 6
CHAD, the American Heart Association, and the Department of Health reviewed data context around the prevalence of HTN in North Dakota and South Dakota. We introduced the MAP BP definition and framework with a deep dive into the measure accurately process and shared helpful tools and measures that exist in Azara DRVS to produce improved blood pressure control for the population that you serve. 

Session 1 Speakers:
Tiffany Knauf, North Dakota Chronic Disease Director – North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services
Brianne Holbeck Heart Disease and Stroke Program Coordinator – South Dakota Department of Health
Tim Nikoli, Sr Rural Health Director – American Heart Association
Jennifer Saueressig, Clinical Quality Manager – CHAD
Click here for the presentation.

Session Two: Act Rapidly
Tuesday, February 20 
In the second series of Leveraging the MAP BP Framework, we identified how using a medication treatment protocol supports prescribers as they manage patients with hypertension. We reviewed medication intensification, evidence-based treatment protocols, and dose combination guidelines. 

Session 2 Speakers:
Tim Nikoli, Sr Rural Health Director – American Heart Association
Dr. Diana Bridges, Community Hypertension Director – American Heart Association
Jennifer Saueressig, Clinical Quality Manager – CHAD
Click here for the presentation.

Session Three: Partner with Patients
Tuesday, March 5 
Our third and final session of the hypertension training series Partner with Patients provided Self-Monitored Blood Pressure (SMBP) overview. In this session, participants learned about SMBP program planning, coverage updates, and how to prepare patients for success with their SMBP program. We heard from Amber Brady, RN, BSN Assistant Director of Nursing for Coal Country Community Health Center, who highlighted how alternative strategies impact patient engagement in managing chronic disease.  Audra Lecy, Quality Improvement Manager, and Lynelle Huseby, RN BSN Director of Clinical Services with Family Healthcare, shared how they successfully launched their SMBP program and the positive impact it has had on their patients. Sarah Wirz, NDSU PharmD student, and Brody Maack, PharmD, Clinical Pharmacist with Family HealthCare spoke about how they have sustained their SMBP program and the positive impact it has had on their patients.

Session 3 Speakers:
Tim Nikoli, Sr Rural Health Director – American Heart Association
Amber Brady, RN BSN Assistant Director – Nursing Coal Country Community Health 
Audra Lecy, Quality Improvement Coordinator – Family HealthCare 
Lynelle Huseby, RN BSN Director of Clinical Services – Family HealthCare
Sarah Wirz, BSPharm, PharmD Candidate  – Family HealthCare
Brody Maack, PharmD, BCACP, CTTS (Clinical Pharmacist) – Family HealthCare
Click here for the presentation.